Education Committee Mtg Minutes
Education Committee Meeting MinutesJanuary 28th
Attendees Esther, Rachel, Anat, Miho, Ari, Gray, Geoff (Absent: Amanda, Julie, Mandy)
Mission Statement The mission of the Education Committee is to reach out to the Greene Hill community by creating educational programs for children and adults that teach practical food purchasing and preparation skills through online video and community gatherings.
Possible Programs Adult Ed Kids Ed Cooking classes Video program Visiting chef program Internship progam
Discussion What are the possibilities for growing basic items like herbs and tomatoes in containers around the store? We should ask for a few feet near the windows of the additional spaces as they are built out. Growing lamps are an alternative as well.
Can we use pedestrian area for teaching—Esther to look into permit requirements.
What are the plans for the additional spaces at the store? Are we able to build a small kitchen? If we make a space for daycare maybe we can have that space with an oven so it doubles as educational space.
Anat to reach out to Park Slop to see what educational programs they have. Maybe we can do things together and/or use their space.
Geoff to reach out to internship program for more info. May use intern to set up an educational program like the triangle use.
Partnership opportunities There is a CSA in the school on Irving Place each week. Opportunities for partnership?
PS11 has cook shop.
Brooklyn flea market—food demonstrations? Invite guests each week. Miho to check in with Outreach re tabling at the flea.
Get chefs from local restaurants.
Adopt a farmbox program.
Organize trips to farms during the summer.
Rachel to propose a kids education program for six months.
Website Database on the website for cooking classes. Invite chefs to show us how to do specific tasks. Database can also include recipes. Solicit recipes from members.
Recommended reading list on the website.
Videos: Geoff to Ask about release requirements for videos. Miho is making miso Feb 12th. She will have her husband video it. Will need to borrow a tripod.
Recipe book: Perhaps have a recipe book culled from Member submissions. Can sell for small amount and use money to fund education programs. Linco printing makes books and can be used for the cookbook.
Gray to look into setting up a food library in coop. Maybe people can borrow books. Ask members to donate books. Can eventually ahve a book club. Geoff to send Pablo’s email address to Gray to discuss shelving and other space requests.
In-store education Gray suggested adding information about suppliers to the shelves. Also, giving people an opportunity to rate products in the store. Gray to reach out to branding to see about options for both of these.
Will Merch. have small plants available for people to purchase i.e. basil, tomato plants, etc.?