Annual Director Elections - September 23rd - Call for Nominees
It is time for the annual election of new members to the board of directors. Placement on the board requires a minimum of one year membership in the Co-op and commitment to regular attendance at both the monthly General Meetings and monthly board working sessions. They have a lot of work to do and everyone involved is dedicated to the advancement of the Co-op. Membership on the board means that you will be taking a very active role in the business of the Co-op, and you get work credit for your time! The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the monthly general meetings and helping to see through to action any decisions made by the membership. The directors are expected to attend the meetings as often as possible to ensure a quorum and full participation. They also meet on at least a monthly basis outside of the general meetings to discuss and take action on any important topics.
To be a director you must be a member in good standing with a minimum of one year of membership. If this is you or someone you know and you would like to nominate yourself, or someone else, to The Co-op Board of Directors, then send an email to with a bit of explanation as to any experience that you might have that would make you a good candidate for the GHFC board of directors.
Lastly, in September please keep an eye out for an email with directions on how to cast your vote either online or at the September general meeting.