Greene Hill Food Co-op

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BOD Working Session 2.11.15 Agenda Committee

Board of Directors ~ Agenda Committee Wed., Feb. 11;  7.30 - 9.30pm

The Co-op: 18 Putnam Ave, Brooklyn


Facilitator:  Renée




Present: DK, Sean, Allison, Renee, Hillary (partial)

Absent: William (notified), Rachelle (sort of notified), Jean (last minute notification)



  • ACTION ITEM: Membership will update Orientation video script

Status: in progress

  • POS System

 Status: POS system arrived. Andrew Hapke, Merch and SC/SLC (shift leader coordinator) working on set up, will take a few weeks.


  • ACTION ITEM: DK will advertise with PSFC (either via Linewaiters Gazette or ad) announcing that PSFC can “temporarily” shop at GHFC

 Status: PSFC placing ad in Gazette!!!


  • ACTION ITEM: Sean working with marketing to develop a campaign to shop more in the store. Done by end of Jan.

Status: In progress, Marketing says: We’re still looking to incorporate finance’s matrix in some sort of visually impactful way that will be easy to understand, but it’s likely we’ll utilize this in the 2nd wave of the $50 basket campaign.


  • Loans: anyone ask their committees about ideas of where/how to get loans? Make this GM discussion point?

look at this later, hopefully won’t need to do


  • Finance Report* (Sean, 10 min) *Sean will be giving bigger financial picture at GM’s and smaller progress updates at ACs

    • Jan sales $41,000

    • solvency for Feb-terms for vendors, working on FS

    • shopping matrix -

    • phone bank - inactive member - 2 shifts to get current

    • new donations - $25 from members


  • Store Coordinator updates (SC liaisons, 15 min)

    • What’s her schedule?

      • Mon/Wed and a few hours on Fri


    • Mega shift leader update

      • Russ covering 1 Sat, 2 Sats covered by Shift Leaders so no mega leader needed, Keith will cover other sat. Goal by March is to have all weekend shifts covered with a SL, so no mega leader needed

    • hire 2nd person for Friday, if so, who/when (wait till store open on Fri)?

      • wait on this

    • Need hiring committee to be involved at all? hire consultant instead?


  • Committee Presentation: Merch (15 min)

    • Sarah Chinn, Sarah Hughes-co-chairs; well staffed

    • Rachelle & Lauren not handling produce anymore; Lauryl handling produce now

    • Dairy - we have 2nd vendor; Meghan Bogdevich-Lancaster, Cheese


  • Merch, how can we improve/change products to attract more members? (All, 20 min)

    • i.e. more bulk - expand?

      • yes

    • what affects our product choices?

    • Staples regularly stocked, etc.


  • Continued Discussion: Opening store for 5 or 6 days a week with consistent hours by Summer 2015, what steps do we need to do to make this happen? (All, 25 min)

      • When implement consistent hours voted upon by membership and how?

        • May 1st goal date for open 4 days/week and consistent hours, need good staffing to open on Fridays, will do that next

        • ACTION ITEM: Renee will draft new schedule for Board to review at next GM

      • Open fridays first? (using voted on hours), then change others to match?

        • Ann suggests we focu on Sunday first, then open on Friday, weekend sales will be much better than Fri, and SL staffing will be easier to fill on the weekend over Fri.

      • increase workshift at same time since changing hours and schedule?

        • will try


  • Contingency Plan discussion, what do if we go under? This is just a beginning discussion. (All, 15 min)

    • move to next AC


  • GM agenda creation (All, 5 min)

    • Committee Presentation: Ops (15 min)

    • Committee Presentation: Finance (15 min)

    • Discuss plan for getting inactive members back: phone bank? individual emails? postcards? hash plan out, who will organize, when happen, etc. (25 min)

    • Russ will present $50 grocery basket campaign (10 min)


*Note: Minute/note-takers - please see link for secretary responsibilities

Pls don’t forget to SHARE this doc with completed notes with the Board after mtg