Greene Hill Food Co-op

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Mtg about Food, Privilege, and Justice on Feb 21!

A meeting will be held on February 21st from 7:30-9PM to discuss how the Greene Hill Food Co-op can improve its accessibility to communities of color and low-wealth people. We will discuss how this food justice issue is currently being treated, and brainstorm strategies and an action plan for eliminating those barriers. If this is a concern of yours, it is important that you are heard. Please join us at the Magnolia Tree Earth Center, 677 Lafayette Avenue, February 21 from 7:30-9PM. This meeting is being convened outside of a General Meeting in order to have a more focused and extended discussion. If you would like to attend or be kept up-to-date on the developments that come out of the meeting, please email Natascia Boeri ( or Nina Goepfert (