Minutes from the March 2012 General Meeting

[as amended and approved at the April 26, 2012 General Meeting]

GM Notes 3 15 12 [taken by Kathryn Z]

-Orientation for new folks- Lawrence Committee updates

-Website update - Maggie- staging server is up which allows for more behind the scenes updates. They are working on content strategies, and new navigation tools

-Finance- 29 donors to loan program which ends at end March. Getting invoice payments systems in order, cashier cash –out is working nicely. Will be ready to start paying some capital expenses soon

-Education- Rachel reported that they have filmed 2 cooking videos, cookbook for member recipes on the website in process. Working on organizing a “library” space at store

-Membership- 843 now, 43 in March. Pace continues strongly. Coupon this month is for LuvTea for new members. The work-tracking systems need some help.

-Marketing/Branding-Lots has happened with signage, etc.

-Governance-Permitting is ongoing. They have 1 new member working on this.     Discussion & research about WIC is ongoing

-OPS- Many receiving shift personnel have been “no-shows” and this is causing     problems. Store organization ongoing.

-Design/Build – designing a walk in cooler for the back of the office space that can be broken down when needed. It will be very necessary as weather gets warmer to extend the shelf  life of the produce .

Merch- working on getting POS items in computer so check out can start to scan items. Repackaged bulk coming soon.

-Beautification of exterior/interior. A member is interested in working on this. Concerns need to be addresses about permits, proximity to food, drainage, expense. Informal vote said folks were interested

Work requirement-Has kicked in . Phone bank on 3/26 will make calls to folks who haven’t yet signed up for shifts

Visioning exercise- Pablo showed some visuals about how the spaces will look as we expand into the "office" (aka east or storeroom) and former laundry (west) spaces. Discussion opened about whether we want a lot of bulk bins or some other setup. It was decided we need a group of folks to examine and more specifically present the options, including a mostly bulk or partial bulk set-up, a child care area, a demonstration kitchen, or something else. It needs lots more discussion.

Printer- Someone has a printer/scanner/fax machine to donate Doug Informed us.

Board Meeting-- DK, Giselle, Amanda, Doug, Christina, Pablo, Lawrence (all!) present. Nothing to ratify.

Meeting adjourned

Next GM dates: 4/26, 5/22, 6/18, 7/17. All here at the So Oxford space 138 So Oxford St.