Who will be Member # 1,000?


We're coming up on a big milestone, people -- 1000 members! We've come a long way since we signed our lease in September 2010, when we had just 70 people aboard our tiny fledgling S.S. Co-op. Our lucky 1000th member wins dinner for two at Olea restaurant in Fort Greene (thanks, Olea!) -- send your friends to the website, or the store, or a tabling table, to try to win in the next week or two, as we're fast approaching the magic number.

While we don't quite have the ability to notify the winner on the spot with helium balloons, paparazzi, and a parade, our winner will be gloriously profiled in a forthcoming e-newsletter. Be prepared to answer the question that will be on everyone's mind: "How has becoming the 1000th member of the Greene Hill Food Co-op changed your life?"