Minutes, May 22 2012 General Meeting

Approved at June 19 GM

Gm Notes May 22, 2012

7 to 9 at So Oxford Space

New to the co-op intro- Lawrence

Doug/Facilitator, Kathryn /Secretary, Archana/ timekeeper.

Will not yet approve last GM notes, not posted

Agenda items presented and approved.

Committee reports:


-Branding/Marketing- now has 3 sub-committees. Website will have tools for      expanding outreach, adding in-store signage ongoing

-Governance- Ongoing review of whether if we are complying with by-laws and the law, working on permitting as needed, drew up an anti-harassment and discrimination policy to be reviewed tonight, reviewing disciplinary procedures.

-Design/build –working on the walk-in cooler and shelving

-Membership-49 new members. Angela from committee is mailing folks who        have not worked yet. It is a lot of people and is a BIG ISSUE.

-Merchandise- reorganized stock room, working on bulk packaging, pet food and             baby food coming to the store soon.

-Operations -Working on refrigeration issues, trying to upgrade current set-up. HVAC     arriving soon. Will send survey about when coop members would be able/willing      to work for an added day or hours.

-Finance- we have enough money on hand for fridges and HVAC The daily          deposit system is in place. We have no financial statements- we will need good            reports and bookkeeper in the near future. @ 4100,00 on hand and we are doing           approx $45,000 in monthly sales.

            -Outreach- loan program participants will be receiving acknowledgements soon,    Outreach actively tabling at markets, gardens, and need coordinators. Needs another co-chair asap.

-Food justice subcomm. Has 2 co-chairs, new members, needs more help.


-- Amanda presented (although Silas, another lawyer on Governance, primarily drafted) a set of 4 policies, prohibiting harassment and discrimination by both employees and members acting on behalf of the co-op.  Not proposing now because there have been any problems, just trying to be prepared for all eventualities, satisfy insurance folks, make expectations clear to all thousand members.  Covers all protected classes under federal, state, and City law.  Allows reporting to a member of Steering Committee -- Steering will be briefed on obligations.   Provides for members to be suspended or dismissed in Board's discretion for a violation of policy.  General disciplinary/ "consequences" procedures coming up soon, Governance will propose at a future GM.  Whether incidents also get reported to police/other authorities will need to be determined on a case-by-case basis.

APPROVED the anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies by 31 members present.


-- Outreach said the grand opening needs to be pushed back to September the 8th  or 15th are possible dates. Permits and help need to be lined up before this can happen. Budget for event needs to be submitted and approved by Steering.


-- Mediation program suggestions presented by DK. In the case of disputes an outline of suggestions was presented. The members gave a vote of confidence to move forward with this in concept. No time frame set.


3)Membership Relief Council- Nick is stepping down and they are looking for more help. Dispensations for illness, travel or either temporary /permanent change to work status have been discussed (no specific proposals approved tonight).

4)Personnel Committee has begun discussing HR issues- benefits package,what needs to be in interview, how to publish the position, will it be P/T store manager, etc. 4-5 folks are involved so far. Doing research around worker's comp insurance.



Bar code scanning is moving forward.


Park Slope Food Coop Loan program vote coming up soon.

-Store is very understaffed on Saturdays. Need shift leaders and managers

-- Announcement from member Renee Collymore (not co-op business, she is running for Democratic Committeewoman for Brooklyn)

-- Announcement from member Colin Beavan (not co-op business, he is running for Congress in NY-8, Green Party)


- Are we meeting in July and August? SC will determine if we do August, yes to   July. July 4th is a work shift day Are we open?  Yes.

-June 19th at So Oxford space is the next meeting.


Board Meeting-

DK,Amanda, Giselle, Lawrence, Doug and Christina (absent=Pablo) . quorum was present. Approved Governance-proposed, membership-ratified-tonight  Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment policies


Meeting adjourned

Submitted by Kathryn Zarczynski, secretary