Simple Chimichurri Sauce

chimichurri sauce

chimichurri sauce

It's happened to all of us: we get the adorable little bundle of parsley at the co-op with a recipe in mind, use a few sprigs, and the rest of it languishes in the fridge until it looks like some strange desert plant. If you catch it on its last legs, this simple sauce is one of the best applications for tired ole parsley that we've found. A traditional Argentinian condiment, chimichurri sauce is an aromatic, herby, tangy concoction that is heavenly in its standard application as a steak sauce (and delectable on on fish, chicken, and lamb as well), but is just as excellent tossed in a salad, drizzled over any steamed or pan sauteed veggie, or substituted for standard pesto in any dish.

Simple Chimichurri Sauce

  • 1 bunch parsley

  • 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar

  • 4 large garlic cloves, minced (2 1/2 tablespoons)

  • 2 tablespoons oregano leaves (or one teaspoon dried oregano)

  • 2 teaspoons crushed red pepper

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper

  • 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil

In a food processor, combine the parsley, vinegar, garlic, oregano and crushed red pepper. Process until smooth; season with salt and pepper. Transfer the sauce to a bowl and pour the olive oil over the mixture. Let stand for at least 20 minutes.

Like all of our favorite recipes, this one can be tweaked and the quantities played around with to accommodate what you have (don't have red wine vinegar? try lemon juice) and what you like (1/2 cup of oil sound like too much? less is fine). Play around with it and enjoy!

Images from Pink of Perfection and sweetbeetandgreenbean, recipe from Food&Wine