The Fortune Society on Food Access and Criminal Justice Involvement

Check out these resources on food insecurity and the criminal justice system in NYC, developed by a capstone team from NYU and the Fortune Society. From the Fortune Society's July 31, 2012 newsletter:

"The Fortune Society is pleased to release an illuminating interactive map, developed in collaboration with a Capstone Team from NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, that visibly documents how food security and access, health, criminal justice status, and a variety of other indicators are geographically related to clients who came through Fortune's doors throughout 2011.

This map clearly illustrates that the NYC neighborhoods most Fortune clients call home are the same neighborhoods facing some of the most significant across-the-board challenges in the related areas of food access, health and economic development. "

Food Access and Criminal Justice Involvement in NYC

Food Access and Criminal Justice Involvement in NYC