Greene Hill Food Co-op

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Monday Store Hours: We need YOU to make it happen!

Dear Members:

As you’ve surely heard, we are proceeding with our Monday shopping hours starting October 8! Our Store will be open on Monday’s from 8am through 8pm, made up of receiving work shifts from 8-1:30 and shopping hours from 1:30-8pm (work shifts are scheduled from 1:15 through 8:30pm).

To make this a success:

  • We need to fill all these work shifts from October 8 onward - all shifts for the 1st cycle are up on shiftplanning. Sign in and choose a Monday shift now!

  • This is an opportunity for members to sign up for their first/new work shift.

  • Also, we need whoever is available to bank as many hours as possible by signing up for additional shift(s) for the next month of Mondays or so. You can do this at

  • This is an ideal time for members who are familiar with the store to transition in to a shift or cashier shift leader role (training session on Tuesday, October 2 at 7.30pm at the Store) to ensure smooth management.

The Operations Committee co-chairs will evaluate the shifts on shiftplanning next Sunday evening (September 30) to ascertain if October 8 is sufficiently staffed to be able to proceed.

Thank YOU for all your contributions and good energy thus far. Continue to send us your questions or feedback to

Happy fall!

Your Membership Committee.

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