General Meeting Notes: 4.22.15

  General Meeting

Wed., April  22:  7.30 - 9.30pm

The Co-op: 18 Putnam Ave, Brooklyn


Facilitator: DK Holland

Note-taker: Keith Almon

Timekeeper: Russ Ross

Print Agendas: Laurel Berger-Chun


Board in attendance: DK Holland, Sean Mullane, Keith Almon, Renee Renata Bergen (late, was out on Co-op business)

Absent: Allison (in class), Hillary, Jeannie (2 vacant seats)


Any person attending may participate equally in discussions, and all Co-op members (since they are also co owners) may vote. Members may receive work credit if they attend (allotted 3 times a year).

Welcome/Orientation 7:30-7:45PM (15 min.) Welcome and explanation of what/who/why the Co-op is. Please ask questions!


Approve Minutes (1 min.) from previous GM (please read beforehand on the Website) Approved.


Facilitator, Secretary and Timekeeper Choices and/or Approval (1 min.) Facilitator  will conduct meeting fairly and impartially, ensure that any meeting rules are followed, and will keep meeting to agenda. Secretary will take meeting minutes (which will be posted on the Website prior to next GM). Timekeeper will keep the meeting on schedule.


Presentation of Main Agenda and Pending Agenda Queue (1 min.) Main Agenda is prepared by the Board of Directors at an Agenda Making Session, based on member submissions and discussions, and published to members in advance of meeting on the Website (along with the time/date/place of the next Board Working Session which are also open to members.)

Finance and Membership Reports 7:50-8:05PM (15 min) Up to date information about the Co-op (Finance and Membership Committee)  Sean Mullane-Treasurer

Sales:     Jan: $41,986,

Feb: $41,901

Mar $47,229

April $37K as 7:30pm tonight (with 5 shopping days left we will probably break 50K)


Members: March Active: 409;

April: 309 (large decrease due to file updates)

Trial:  47 new

MAIN AGENDA 8:05-9:15PM (80 min)

  • Announcement Hiring substitute Store coordinators (board, 5 min) info is posted on Facebook and in the store.


  • Committee Presentation: Marketing(15 min)

Representative not present. DK Holland will ask them to come next AC

  • Committee Presentation: Membership (15 min)

Board Liaison: William Laviano has resigned from the board. New liaison is Renée. Russ Ross (the Chair) said that the committee is being restructured. Many new ideas and programs are curently in the development phase.


  • Decision making at the Co-op: Sean will lead discussion regarding our cooperative’s democratic processes (25 min) Sean is concerned with the possible perception that decisions are being made by the board rather than the membership with the board simply ratifying those decisions. There was also some concern expressed about the corporate sounding structure. It was explained that this was necessary legality, but we can have different names in use for the same functions.


  • Summer Shopping: How do we boost sales in our summer months, which historically are the lowest in sales? Discussion of potential promotions to encourage summer shopping (All, 20 min)


OPEN FORUM 9:20 - 9:25PM (10 min)

Brief comments on topics not on the Main Agenda but relevant to the Co-op. Items that will require more

Point Of Sale System (Revel)

-UPC issue resolved

-EBT Info needs to be resolved

-Next steps: !) Evan Flath will escalate with the vendor and try and get steps and schedule for resolution of the card issue(s) 2) Andrew and Governance Committee will take a look at the contract and determine what our options are vis a vis refunds. 3) Inquire as to options regarding charges made for months system not functional.


CLOSING 9:25 - 9:30PM (5 min)


  • Next Board Agenda Committee Mtg is Mon., May 11 , 7:30-9:30pm at the Co-op. All are welcome. Please email if you plan to attend (work credit applies!)


  • Next General Meeting is Wed., May 27 - 7:30-9:30pm at The Co-op.


  • Want to be a facilitator, secretary, timekeeper or to propose items for a future GM agenda? Please email (work credit applies!)


*Note: Minute-takers Jean, DK, and Keith - please see  link to secretary responsibilities.