Greene Hill Food Co-op

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September 2016 Newsletter

Welcome to Greene Hill Food Co-Op's Newsletter

September 2016Newsletter

Catching You Up on Co-Op News
We’ve got a lot to share in this month’s newsletter. The big news is that, starting October 3, the Co-op will be open seven days a week! That’s right, folks. We’re adding Tuesday and Thursday shopping hours, giving members more opportunities to work their shifts and pick up groceries.
We’ll celebrate with our first Fall Open House on Saturday, October 1. Mark your calendar and invite your friends! All are welcome.
If you’re looking to get more involved in the Co-op or want to play a role in stewarding its vision, this is your chance.
Board elections are coming up soon! Nominate yourself or someone else to be a board member by emailing by September 21. Read on for more information.
Update on Lease:  Based on advice from our lawyer, we are confident that our tenancy is safe. See the details below.
Now is the BEST time to join the Co-op. Until October 1, we’re still waiving the $25 admin fee on all new Avocado and Lettuce membership plans. We also have a new membership option, the Zucchini Plan, which gives people full membership at the Co-op for six months with no investment required. These offers won’t last long. Spread the word!
Speaking of zucchini...Check out this month’s recipe for easy and delicious zucchini-cheese fritters. 
Kombucha fan? Kombucha, huh? If you love it or know nothing about it, learn more about Aqua Vitea Kombucha (yes, it’s spelled “tea”!) in this month’s Product Spotlight.
Vote for our Co-op to win the Best of Brooklyn hosted by Brokelyn! And check out our Social Justice in Brooklyn section.
This month we’re highlighting three opportunities to learn about issues affecting our community and take action.
Looking for a new way to meet your work shift requirement? Want to pick up an extra shift? Check out the Help Wanted section. We’re in urgent need of governance committee members and an IT whiz to help with the website and our various databases. There’s lots of other opportunities, including helping with our beer and wine license application, detailed below.
And meet our newest Co-op members: Adrienne A., Sophie A., Eboni B., Jen B., Lisa B., Alison C., IV C., Jenny C., Tymberly C., Victoria C., Apoorva E., Josh E., Katherine E., Adonis F., Hanisha H., Sophie M., Gene P., Chris R., Annakeara S., Katherine P., and Chris R.
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Co-op hours to expand to Tuesdays and Thursdays
Starting October 3, the Co-op will be open seven days a week! In addition to our usual hours, you’ll be able to shop on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 pm to 9 pm. With this change we’re continuing to strengthen the Co-op as a community resource, offering more opportunities for shopping and working shifts.

Our updated store hours will be:Monday through Friday, 3 pm to 9 pm

Saturday and Sunday, 10 am to 6 pm

Here are some ways YOU can support this change:
  • It’s your Co-op, so tell us what you’d like to buy! We’re continuing to expand our product selection to better meet member needs. If there are items you regularly buy elsewhere, let the Merchandising Committee know by emailing or leaving a suggestion in the request binder in store.
  • Train to become a Shift Leader. It’s fun and it doesn’t require any experience. Check the Co-op’s Facebook page for the next Shift Leader training.
  • Encourage your friends to join the Co-op. Bring them to the next Open House on October 1!
  • Make a ‘note-to-self’ about the new October shopping hours and take advantage of them.
First Open House of the Fall
Join us for our next Open House on Saturday, October 1, from 10 am to 6 pm! Invite your friends and neighbors to come and experience all the benefits of being a member. They can shop, enjoy food samples and meet other members of our community -- a great way to introduce newbies to the Co-op! This will also be the last day that new members can take advantage of our Summer Special, waiving the $25 admin fee on Avocado and Lettuce Plans!
What's Up Next at the Co-op?

Find out by coming to our next General Meeting. It’s on Wednesday, September 28, from 7:30 - 9:30 pm, at the Co-op, 18 Putnam Ave. Member/owners receive work credit for attending the General Meeting (once per year). You can view the agenda online. We are a valued community asset and space. Get involved! Meetings are open to both members and non-members — bring a friend or two!Or, come to a board meeting and get involved in understanding the Co-op's decision-making process. Board meetings are open to all members. The next board meeting will be Wednesday, October 26, 7:30 - 9:30 pm at the Co-op.

Update on our Lease
We’ve determined through our pro bono attorneys (a large firm of real estate law experts) that the Co-op’s lease protects our tenancy at 18 Putnam till 2020 unless the building is sold. However, in the spirit of cooperation, transparency and fairness, we will meet with our landlords to understand and try to resolve any issues.
Growing Our Membership
We have a special, new membership option: the Zucchini Plan! With this plan, you get full membership at the Co-op for six months from the date you sign up. No investment is required. All you need to do is pay a $25 administration fee and fulfill the work shift requirement and you get full shopping privileges for six whole months. At the end of the plan, you can either join with one of our full investment plans or leave -- no penalty, no fuss!
Here are the basics of the Zucchini Plan:
  1. $25 administration fee, no investment
  2. Active for 6 months
  3. Full shopping privileges
  4. Must fulfill a work shift requirement
Spread the word or click HERE to sign up now!
Are you interested in becoming a shift leader? Shift leaders lead the in-store team during their regular or floating shift every 4 weeks. The purpose of this training is to empower current and future shift leaders with the knowledge to manage the store and provide consistent and awesome working and shopping experiences for all members. This training is for members who are already shift leaders and would like to attend a training, and for those who are interested in becoming a shift leader for the first time. Please plan on sticking around after the training for a potluck lunch in the backyard! Contact a store coordinator to RSVP or with any questions at
Board of Directors Elections Coming Up Soon!
Interested in learning more about how the Co-op works and our decision-making process? You could play a vital role in ensuring the Co-op’s future by nominating yourself or someone you know to run for the Board of Directors!

Directors play a key role in the monthly Board and quarterly general meetings (GMs), ratifying the votes of the members, and helping to see through to action any decisions made. A quorum of directors must be present at all board meetings for voting purposes. While the Board does not meet in private, they do discuss and take action on important topics over email in between meetings.

To be elected to the Board, a member-owner must have at least one year in good standing at the Co-op. The candidate must have the ability to commit to regular attendance at the monthly meetings (nine Board meetings, three general meetings), liaise with a committee, participate in long-term projects/planning for the Co-op, and, if necessary, participate in emergency matters. Terms are for three years.
Two new Board members are needed. All nominations are due (at the latest) by Wednesday, September 21st. You can nominate yourself or someone else to the Co-op Board of Directors by sending an email with a short explanation as to why you (or your nominee) would make a good director, to You can send any questions you have about joining the Board of Directors or about the election process to the same email address. The elections will take place on October 26th.
Best of Brokelyn Nomination - Vote for Us! 
Every year, Brokelyn (a webmag devoted to life in Brooklyn) pulls together a list of of the Best of Brooklyn by popular poll. We’ve been nominated as one of the best food co-ops in Brooklyn! Cast your vote here and help crown us the best food co-op in Brooklyn.
Product Spotlight: Aqua Vitea Kombucha On Tap!
aqua vitea kombucha
Have you tried the delicious and refreshing drink that the Co-op has on tap, Aqua Vitea Kombucha? It’s one of our best sellers!
Aqua Vitea is microbrewed by hand in Vermont and they put great thought and care into their ingredients and business practices. Some of our regular flavors are Elderberry, Cranberry, Turmeric Sunrise, Blood Orange, Ginger and Original. Keep an eye out this month for Strawberry Sage and maybe even a seasonal special -- Watermelon!
Kombucha is a fermented drink made from tea, sugar, water and a scoby. The name “scoby” comes from an acronym for Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast. It’s where bacteria and yeast reside as they turn tea into a fizzy and tangy beverage. Kombucha has been brewed for centuries and is considered a life-enhancing elixir that tastes something like a sparkling cider. As Aqua Vitea explains on their website, when the ingredients ferment, the sugar and nutrients in the tea turn into vitamins, enzymes, organic acids and probiotics.
To make it easy, we have bottles and growlers that you can buy and refill at the store. That way you’ll create less waste than buying a new bottle every time. What you buy will be more economical and, coming straight from the tap, what you drink will taste oh-so-fresh!

Here’s what it costs:16 oz Aqua Vitea Jar ($1.36) plus 16 oz of kombucha ($2.88) = $4.24

64 oz Aqua Vitea Growler ($5.44 ) 64 oz of kombucha ($11.52) = $16.96

Come to the store and get some today!
Zucchini-Cheese Fritters in Marinara Sauce
Recipe by Molly Neuman
I'm sort of a sucker for those short recipe videos on Facebook. I recently caught one for a recipe like this one that stuck with me. It's zucchini season and I always feel challenged to find an interesting preparation. This was a hit! The fritters were yummy and the marinara gives them a much-needed kick. This recipe can be modified in lots of ways. Just but be careful to avoid any extra liquid in the fritters, as the zucchini gives off lots of water when grated. We used a jarred sauce which made it even easier!
This recipe makes about 12 fritters (3-inch diameter). Serves 4-6.


1 lb (about 3 medium-sized) zucchini, coarsely grated½ cup coarsely grated parmesan or Cotija cheese

2 eggs, lightly beaten

½ cup panko breadcrumbs

1 t salt¼ t dried thyme

freshly ground black pepper

3 to 4 T olive oil

Grate the zucchini on the largest holes of a box grater. Wrap it inside two thicknesses of cheesecloth or a dish towel and squeeze out as much liquid as possible, then place it in a large mixing bowl. Add the cheese, eggs, bread crumbs, salt, thyme, and pepper and mix well. The batter will be loose but shouldn't appear watery.
Refrigerate the mixture for about an hour to set. Remove and roll into golf ball-sized balls. Return to the refrigerator and let set again for about an hour. Discard any extra liquid.
Heat three tablespoons of oil in a large pan over medium-high heat. Working in batches, add the fritters -- about six at a time -- leaving plenty of room in the pan to turn them easily. Fry until golden brown and the edges of the fritters hold together fairly well when you try to flip them over, about 2 to 3 minutes per side. You may need to add more oil to the pan after a batch or two. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate and blot the excess oil.
Remove excess oil from pan and wipe clean. Heat about two cups of marinara sauce in the pan and add fritters. Let simmer until nice and warm. Remove from heat.
Cost estimate? About $5 in all, or  $ .85 - $1.25 per serving.
Social Justice in Brooklyn
This New Section Of The Newsletter Is Meant To Draw Attention To And Support For Social Justice Work That’s Happening In Our City, Borough And Neighborhoods. It Will Spotlight Campaigns, Movements, Events, Organizations, And Groups Whose Work Is The Elimination Of Racial, Economic, Health, Food, And Other Injustices That Affect Our Members And Neighbors And That Make Participation In Our Cooperative Prohibitive.

Help Make Our Neighborhood Safer for CyclistsThis month we're highlighting a petition brought to our attention by Greene Hill member Nathan Albert. In April, a cyclist was killed by a driver at Classon and Lexington Avenues, not far from the Co-op, during the morning commute.

According to Gothamist, Classon is a designated bike route but doesn’t have a bike lane. A petition on Transportation Alternatives highlights how dangerous Classon Avenue is, with two cyclists killed and 67 cyclists injured on that street since 2009. Cyclists are calling for a remedy. You can sign the petition, which calls for a marked bike lane, here.

Two Events Spotlight Social Inequities in Brooklyn Recent lease troubles for the Co-op are a reminder that the housing market in Brooklyn is fickle, transitory, and often out of our control. Thursday, September 22, is National Day of Renter Action. FUREE, Families United for Racial and Economic Equality, and its allies will hold a rally and memorial service “to recognize the dispossession of affordable homes and displaced residents.”

The rally will be held at noon in front of Barclays Center (Flatbush & Atlantic Avenues) and will be followed by a march through downtown Brooklyn that begins at 2 pm. More information is available here.
Contact Mike at (718) 852-2960 or for details.
The Brooklyn Museum ( 200 Eastern Parkway) is hosting the ongoing Sackler Center series, “ States of Denial: The Illegal Incarceration of Women, Children, and People of Color.” The next event, “ Children, Not Criminals: Rethinking School Discipline,” is on Saturday, September 24 at 2 pm, in the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Auditorium, 3rd Floor. Join this panel discussion of the school-to-prison pipeline crisis and the alternatives. Free with museum admission.
Special thanks to Fort Greene Peace for putting these events on our radar!
Help Wanted
All members work a 2½ hour shift every 4 weeks. It's part of being a member/owner. Here are some opportunities to earn work credit.

Governance Committee in URGENT NEED of Members!Want to learn more about how our bylaws and our Board of Directors are amended and elected? You can play a vital role in shaping the Co-op’s future by joining the Governance committee. We are urgently seeking new members to assist with the elections process and future projects, as needed. All work can be completed on your time, from home. Please email to learn more.

IT Committee in Urgent Need of PHP/LAMP Stack Developer!The IT Committee is looking for help with the Co-op’s public-facing website ( as well as our internal systems, including our CRM and Shift Planning. If you have skills with PHP, Drupal, MySQL and CRMs (we use CiviCRM), then we could use your expertise. This work can be done remotely and is critical to ongoing success of our co-op. For further information, email Chad Donnick,

Membership Desk The Membership Committee is seeking members for the Membership Desk to work in store fielding member questions both in person and online, signing up new members & processing hours crib sheets.  This is an in store shift for work slot credit 2.5 hours every four weeks.  You may choose a regular time slot during any of the store shopping hours.  Please contact if you are interested.

Seeking Designers & Writers for New Membership Campaign!Help us design an outreach campaign to engage new members to join the Co-op community! We’re looking for writers, designers, community organizers, and people with experience in event planning and marketing. Working for the Marketing and Outreach Committees are great ways to get your shift credits from home, or have more flexible hours. Email to help out.

Seeking Finance Committee MembersIf you have an interest in being involved in the day-to-day financial operations or finance strategy for the Co-op, please email

Finance Office Assistant Shifts AvailableInterested in doing some office work at the store? Your role would focus on handling invoices and entering data into our accounting software. You'd get all the training and guidance you need, while working at a dedicated Finance desk and computer, and you'd be helping the Co-op produce financial statements on a regular basis. You can set your own hours! Please email if you'd like to join us.

Merchandising Committee Needs New MembersInterested in how food ends up on the Co-op shelves each week? Join us and make the magic happen. This position requires a 2½ hour monthly commitment (like any regular work shift), including attending one monthly meeting of 1½ hours.  If interested, email

Beer and Wine! Help Us with the License Application Process!Depending on our finances, we’re considering the feasibility of applying for a beer and wine license. If we decide to go ahead with this, we will need help as we attempt to expedite the application process. Many hands will lighten the load: dividing up the application, identifying what needs to be done, doing it, compiling, and submitting. If you’re interested in being a part of this process, please respond to with SLA in the subject line.

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Et cetera
Credits: Aqua Vitea Kombucha picture by Shannon Sodano, zucchini fritter photo courtesy of Molly Neuman, Shackles image by Troy Lambert / Correctional Association of New York
The Greene Hill Food Co-op Newsletter is edited and published by (in alphabetical order) Carola Burroughs, Sonia Garbes Putzel, DK Holland, Alexandra (Aly) Miller, Molly Neuman, Shannon Sodano Heffernan, Alejandro Varela, and Gitta Zomorodi. Contact us with any feedback, suggestions, or requests at
Join and/or follow the Greene Hill Food-Op!
Interested in joining the Greene Hill Food Co-op?  Check out our website to learn about membership, Like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter. Or simply stop by our store at 18 Putnam Avenue (off Grand Avenue) with any questions!