Greene Hill Food Co-op

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Welcome to the Neighborhood, Central Brooklyn Food Co-op!

At Greene Hill, we value co-ops. That’s why we’re excited to welcome Central Brooklyn Food Co-op to Bed-Stuy in the summer of 2020. CBFC promises to support local community producers and provide us and our neighbors fresh, affordable groceries. They’d love our help with their Kickstarter, and have provided this link where you can find more info and donate.

Why should we support Central Brooklyn Food Co-op? 

It’s inclusive 

CBFC, which is currently most of the way to its fundraising goal of $25,000, is an explicitly inclusive member-owned and operated model, planning to prioritize relationships with Black- and brown-owned local businesses and producers, and to serve as a center for food education and community advocacy. 

Like Greene Hill, CBFC seeks to honor Bed-Stuy’s legacy as a home of a resilient spirit of Black nationalism, Black self-determination, and Black community building (see our recent feature about the East, the historic black nationalist co-op and community center on Breevort Place). In particular, CBFC is dedicated to ensuring that membership is accessible to our low-income neighbors and neighbors of color, and amplifying and uplifting black leaders within the co-op. 

It’s necessary 

Brooklyn, which is known for its burgeoning food scene, also has the highest rate of food insecurity of all five boroughs, and Bed-Stuy has the second highest rate of food insecurity of all NYC neighborhoods, according to the Food Bank For NYC’s 2017 report. Additionally, CBFC will be bringing fresh, affordable local produce to Bed-Stuy, the neighborhood of Brooklyn that has the highest ratio of bodegas to grocery stores, with one grocery store for every 57 bodegas, according to data collected by the City of New York in 2018. 

A survey conducted by CBFC members showed that on average, Bed-Stuy residents travel 1.5 miles to their primary grocery store, as they are unable to find or afford their staples closer to home. 

How can we support CBFC?

Greene Hill Food Coop members are encouraged to donate to CBFC’s Kickstarter using this link, which will allow CBFC to track how many of us are able to support them. Thanks in advance for any support you can provide in solidarity with their mission to expand access to local, healthy food options in central Brooklyn!