General Meeting March 21

Hi members, don’t forget to set your calendars for the March GHFC General Meeting: WHERE: 138 S. Oxford St Brooklyn NY (MAP ) WHEN: Thursday March 21st, 7-9PM


Each attending Co-op member may participate equally in discussions, and contribute equally to the decision-making process.

INTRODUCTION (5 minutes) 7:05PM-7:10PM

  • Meeting Orientation (1 min.) Welcome and explanation of what/who the Co-op is
  • Review of previous meeting’s activities (2 min.) Approval of meeting minutes from previous meeting (please read beforehand online)
  • Facilitator & Secretary Choice and/or Approval (1 min.) Facilitator will conduct meeting fairly and impartially, ensure that any meeting rules are followed, and will keep meeting to agenda. Secretary will take meeting minutes, act as timekeeper, and assist with meeting facilitation as needed. The minutes will later be available to all on the Website.
  • Presentation of Main Agenda and pending agenda queue (1 min.) Main agenda is prepared by the Steering Committee, based on member submissions, and published to members in advance of meeting.

COMMITTEE REPORTS (20 minutes) 7:10-7:30PM Committees will make brief reports with the aim of including members/potential members in our process. Classifieds: committees will describe specific tasks and ongoing projects that need member help and participation.

MAIN AGENDA (80 minutes) 7:30-8:50PM

  • Sweet tooth and cooking innovators,Spoonable is coming, with delicious caramel sauces to taste and recipes to discover.  (25 mins)
  • Creating new leadership: a proposal to empower the Board to make strategic plans, move key missions forward, and create accountability. (35 mins)
  • Where are our members?  Renewed strategy from committee chairs on how to encourage delinquent members to fulfill their work requirement, shop at the Store, and recruit new members. (20 min)

OPEN FORUM (5 minutes) 8:50PM-8:55PM Brief comments from any member of the meeting on topics not on the Main Agenda.  (Items that will require more time to discuss should be submitted as future agenda items.)

CLOSING (5 minutes) 8:55PM- 9:00PM Next Meeting Arrangements (5 min.) a. Time and location of next General Meeting b. To be a future facilitator, secretary, or to propose items for next meeting’s agenda contact the Events Committee at


See You There!

Lucas MonacoComment