Food Justice Committee Meeting Minutes 3/11/13

Food Justice Committee meeting 3/11/13

FoodJustice, FoodAccess


Introductions / Reflections

Reportbacks / Discussions

Disscussion of survey - how do we want to reach out to the community beyond membership? Visiting churches - advertising vs survey. Reach out to other committees to solicit questions for the survey? David will contact other committees to let them know this is in the works and ask them if they want to contribute any questions.

-Possible questions (brainstorming at the meeting): What would make the co-op look more welcoming in terms of appearance? / What does a welcoming shopping environment look like? / Does the storefront look like a white space? / What makes a space appealing? / Welcoming? What do / don’t you like about where you shop now?[Different versions - online and paper for members / nonmembers] How do you get to the places you shop? Would you like to have a say in how your grocery store is run? (what they buy, where they buy it, prices, hours?) What kinds of products do you buy? (What would you like to buy nearby?) Do you have any complaints about your current grocery store(s)? (price, quality, location, hours) Two sets of questions: people who haven’t heard of it / people who have heard but not joined. Would it be more appealing if you didn’t have to work? Do you eat organic food? Would you eat more organic food if it were more affordable? Are you satisfied with the availability of healthful food in the neighborhood?

Discussion of other outreach ideas: Connect with churches about giving away perishables - see if they have food programs. Look for ways to expand working hours - use for work in community.

Discussion of gentrification - is this the issue we should be focusing on? Safe space / inclusion?

Tasks for the month:

Elinore will follow up on 596 acres project.

Daniel will go to fort greene community center. (Talk to Rachel?)

Christina’s neighbor’s mom is a minister - connect with her?

David has a friend at Bethel Baptist church - will talk to her, continue talking to merch, talk to other committees about adding stuff to survey.

Christina will talk to her neighbors about what they do socially, and talk to some of the founding members.

Daniel will start brainstorming a list of community organizations, churches, etc. for outreach. (Talk to Rachel?) Elinore will work on this also. (Talk to Kassy.)

Ankit recommends Colorblind racism (Bonillo-Silva) and will track down a pdf. Brainstorm more survey questions.

Susanna will help with the survey; she and David and Ankit will meet.

Elinore will go to the general meeting and report back. Daniel too.

Murray will connect with food activists, educators, churches / food pantries in bed stuy.

Next time: talk about compiling a resource library / list.