October 2012 Newsletter
The Fall Celebration on October 6th was a huge success. We cleaned up the “backyard” area behind the store and created a perfect space for a party. Great, resourceful work, people! The music, the food, the dancing, the costumes, the chickens, the kids' activities, and the vibe were just right. The person decked out in plastic bags who frightened all the children was just right too. Big thanks to everyone who helped out. We opened the store to the public that day, allowing The Co-op to achieve record sales while enlisting a handful of new members. But most importantly, lots of folks who hadn't visited the store before were elated to see what we have going on! Check out party photos here and here. We just may make this an annual event. There’s a General Meeting on Tuesday night and a whole lot of news in this here newsletter... |
WHEN: Tuesday, October 16th, 7-9pm WHERE: 138 S. Oxford St Brooklyn NY (MAP) ON THE AGENDA:
GET YOUR TURKEY ORDERS IN BY TOMORROW!![]() This fall, we're taking special orders on turkeys, ducks, geese, and tofurkys. All orders must be submitted by the end of the day on Wednesday, October 17th, 2012. Visit this link to place your order The wonderful world of Tofurky The turkeys, ducks, and geese are local and from our friends at Lancaster Farm Fresh Co-op. |
Aaron, who orders much of the food for The Co-op, will speak briefly about this at the GM on Tuesday. Members will have a chance to ask questions. |
The Greene Hill Food Co-op is now open:
Head on over to shiftplanning.com and grab a future Monday shift! We need to fill those up to keep Mondays going! |
If you know a lot about squash, this list is very exciting to you. If you don’t, start Googling, or just pick up a huge pumpkin for the ridiculously low price of $4.64. You can find a delicious Moroccan spiced spaghetti squash recipe (and other Co-op recipes) on our website. |
Please use the link below to cast your ballot online for election of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of Greene Hill Food Co-op. Instructions for voting can be found on the ballot. Online voting ends at 7:00pm on Oct. 16th. Paper ballots will also be available at the Oct. 16th General Meeting. If you experience trouble casting your ballot contact Silas Allard at si.webster@gmail.com. |
Want a great opportunity to take part in the General Meeting while earning your work credit? Nominate yourself or a friend to be Secretary of the Greene Hill Food Co-op! The secretary attends the general meetings and notes all votes and decisions, then post the minutes online. If you're interested please contact governance@greenehillfood.coop |
Q: What are some of your favorite things to buy at The Co-op? My number one favorite thing? Barry’s Tempeh. It’s a revelation. I get a jar of sauerkraut, a jar of vegan mayonnaise (to mix up some homemade 1,000 Island dressing), fry up the tempeh in olive oil with a finishing splash of tamari, and bam – Vegan Reuben. Cheese is for the weak. Q: What sort of jobs have you worked at The Co-op? I’ve been slowly working my way up from Checkout Assistant to Cashier, and now Cashier Leader. It’s all part of my nigh-secret plan to make shopping on Wednesday nights an all-out punk rock party. Shhhhhh, don’t tell anyone. You’re not actually planning to print this right? Q: Can you tell us a little bit about your organization, National People's Action? We work with everyday people to change the world. Progressive people’s populist politics. We’re currently fighting with the big banks to get them to fix loans so that families can stay in their homes, and get them to stop investing in destructive industries like dirty coal, mountaintop removal, private prisons, and payday lending. I’m shocked that so many Co-op members still use Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Chase. Those banks are Satan. Move your money to a credit union or community bank now! Q: What are some ways that ordinary civilians like Joe Average Food Co-op Newsletter Reader can help work towards economic and racial justice in our community? Everyone should ask themselves some hard questions – am I involved in something that takes power away from corporations and the 1% and gives power to people instead? Am I aware of my race, class, gender, sexual identity, and how this impacts others? In thirty years, can I envision structural change that will bring about a new economy, just democracy, and racial justice? Am I involved with an effort or organization that will do this? If not, join or start something. No one is going to do this for you. Q: Do you there's anything wrong with enjoying a slice of pizza on the subway? What about a plate of spaghetti? Soup? Nope, nothing wrong with eating on the subway as long as you use a Full Body Cocoon ™ to prevent splatter and a Pocket Shop-Vac ™ for those inevitable times when you spill your soup all over the damn place. Q: I know you are soon to have your first baby. Any thoughts on becoming a dad? Holy &#^%#. This is really happening. Q: Did you know we're now open Mondays from 1:30 to 8? Thank goodness, I was wondering where to go during the day on Mondays for emergency bulk organic black beans. |