Food Justice Committee Mtg Minutes 6/10/13

march-against-monsanto-rally-in-dallas_005734(Photo from

MINUTES to 6/10/13 FOOD JUSTICE COM meeting


We created a timeline for finalizing the survey:

-By next week Ankit will implement all the notes re: the survey and send out to FJC one last time, committee will have one week to make any final comments. -In 2 weeks, survey team will send to all Co-op committees list to see if any other committees have any concerns, insights, suggestion (within reason of course).  They will have one week to offer their suggestions. -By next months mtg, survey will be completed.

Ankit will also speak with Kassy re: survey locations and start to develop survey location map/plan.  Suggested locations now are:

-Putnam triangle -NYCHA family days -Some parks (sorry forgot names) -Churches -Co-op fall festival

Our tabling team is not really happening right now so we can't rely solely on them.  We discussed that if each active FJC member (about 10 of us) could take on 1-2 tabling shifts to get survey's completed that would be the most fair way to get this information.  We thought a 2 months process would be sufficient so surveys would be taken from July - Sept.


Lane is up for this, has to check with his work re: conflicts of interest, if there are any. If not then he can be our liaison for Lafayette Gardens.  Renee will connect him with Kassy who will start the process then.