Board of Directors (BOD) Working Session Thursday, Jan. 09, 2014

Board of Directors (BOD) Working Session Thursday, Jan. 09, 2014 – 7.30-9.30pm – 18 Putnam Avenue, Brooklyn.

Facilitator: Nick Note-taker: Renée Attendees: Sean, DK, Christina, Renée, Nick, Aaron (via skype)


Conclude Board/Committee Working Relationship:

In order to further the mission of the Co-op:

  • The Board creates an annual report at the end of the fiscal year (Sept. 30). This will be published on the website, linked to via social media/newsletter/etc.

  • The Board presents the annual report at the Annual Meeting (in Oct.)

  • The Board proposes its annual goals for The Co-op 120 days past the Fiscal year, at the GM.

  • Each committee meets with the Board for an in-depth discussion of their committees goals/accomplishments at one Working Session and one General Meeting per year. (The 2014 committee presentation schedule is listed here and all Working Sessions and GMs are currently on the Calendar website.)

  • Each committees completes a form detailing their 6 month goals, which they will fill out before they meet with the Board at each of these meetings

  • The GM becomes an ‘all-committee’ meeting once a year.

  • Committees will send quarterly updates via a form to the Board (this is in addition to 6 month goal form). Committees are encouraged to share these updates with the the other Committees via the committees list serve.

  • Liaisons shall maintain regular contact between the Board and the Committees, remind them to fill out forms and of bi-yearly meetings with the Board, etc.

  • Regular committee-to-committee dialogue occurs via


Recommendation to GM: Policy on crediting shifts when Store closes, due to Holidays and Weather: Proposal that staff gets automatic credit when store closed due to major holidays (xmas, thanksgiving, 4rth july, new year day) and inclement weather. Will ask them if can work another day due to short staffing, and they would get additional credit. But not required.

Recommendation to GM: Policy on process to deal with cancelling members: Cancelling members must get a response within one week of cancellation. Sean will reimburse pre september former members (pre moratorium) as they received an email stating they would receive their reimbursements within 8-10 weeks.

Recommendation to GM: Policy on household members shopping on behalf of another member when they are in arrears themselves: Tabled till next working session.

Refrigeration Loan status: Determine $ Amount for Installation: We have $5550 for loan. Terms: 2-3% 5-7 years, amortization. Suggest April project manage refrigerators. DB will come to GM to discuss plan.

Discussion on extending Store open hours on Sunday: Thinking small, like 4 hrs, like 3pm-7pm. Many ppl on leave might come back (note, at least 5 said they would). Would be good for folks coming back into town from the weekend as well. This could bring in more revenue and once refrigeration is in, potentially more members. However, we can't rely upon Allison to be there on Sundays so will need some key members to step up for 6 months to handle Sundays. Goal is to start this in spring. Will discuss more at GM.