Greene Hill BOD Working Session - 02.04.14

Facilitator: Nick CollinsNote-taker: Michael Randazzo Timekeeper: Christine Travers Attending Mindy Carner (Governance) Nick Collins Lawrence Eichorn D.K. Holland Sean Mullane Michael Randazzo Christine Travers

1) Finance Report: Sean Mullane • Finance has set up a binder in the Store for any member-owner to look at. The binder will contain the latest financial information, such as: this report; weekly, monthly, annual and year-to-date sales (soon); and, eventually, the Co-op quarterly financial reports: income statements and balance sheets. GHFC could also place the Board Minutes in this binder (from the General Meetings and the Board Work Meetings). The general consensus is that the Minutes posted to the Web Site should not have Co-op financial data (as a safety precaution), but that the full Minutes with financial data will be available in the Store. The binder is labeled "Greene Hill Food Co-op: Meeting Minutes and Financial Reports." 2) Redeeming Banked Hours: Nick Collins • Last year; any member can redeem up to 4 banked hours if they were in good standing; must fill out form; received 54 requests in 2013. • Renee: show appreciation to members; increase to 6 banked hours that you can redeem • Lawrence: will 4th shopping day be undermined by allowing members to use banked hours? • Nick: difference between 4 and 6 hours will not hinder Sunday openings; this will impact folks who have been deactivated; we want them to come back • Lawrence: propose 6 hours at GM; hear from membership • AGREED: discuss at GM

3) Kickstart Elections’ Process: Mindy Carner/Governance • Election at April GM; looking to expand the board to 9 and to replace Aaron who is retiring. • E-mail board applications to governance; Mindy will facilitate • Nick: put together process and timeline: Jessica (?) will work w/Mindy on this • DK: examine roles of President and VP; explain why board needs to be increased • Mindy: when to define the role of the officers; Christine – in the next few months; not at April election • Governance page on the website; could explain what it means to be part of the GHFC board; members should know how hands on board is; list responsibilities; define expectations • Sean: if we want each term to expire in three years; work backwards with current terms to determine what the terms are for two new members + one for Aaron (term expires October 2015) • Mindy, open up voting a week before the GM; people can also be nominated from the floor at the GM/day of the election; • Mindy: create timeline/checklist of all that need to be accomplished (email of info); Google doc with necessary information; Mindy will compile/distribute to the board • Nominations need to be in before the March newsletter to include bios/ election coverage • Nick: look to identify strong committee members; help them transition to board • Sean: shouldn’t cannibalize existing committee members; Christine look for Coop members who haven’t served before • Prioritize new board members by skills/profile; need more business background; diversity is important; community outreach; governance (lawyer); take to the membership; • RESOLVE: Board informally commits to identify board prospects and to earmark time at next 2 BODs to discuss the election/prospective members

4) Committee Presentation: Merchandising • Merchandising not present • Lawrence: with Aaron leaving the board needs a new connect, why a Merch committee member is desirable for the board

5) Liaison Process Review: Nick Collins/All • Challenging for select board members to separate from past committee relationships • Lawrence: resetting the table on this as board doesn’t have time to commit to committee memberships • Board liaise with committees to support but not interfere; how to determine who goes with what committee? • Christine: board members should have a choice; agreed it’s important to mix things up; when new board members come on after April then reshuffle liaisons • Natural connections with certain committees might be identified/encouraged/accepted • RESOLVED: Kate Kraus be second signatory on checks: board agrees (5/0); board will gladly accept a credit check from Kate

6) Finalized Contract for Allison: Nick Collins • Question: are we treating Allison right? • Issues: Current salary; paid vacation, time off • For petty cash; provide a $100 cash advance for Allison

7) Revamp Ops (Operations): All • Ops has fizzled out; question; if/how to rebuild an ops team – how to recruit people? • DK: make a list of responsibilities; • Nick: question of coordination; take the burden off of Allison; without member support she can’t keep the store running smoothly • Currently no operations committee; board taking on too much logistical work. NEED OPS to take care of maintenance; need a take-charge person 8) Internal Communication: Nick Collins • Reduce volume of board emails; Lawrence, Yahoo is a good tool because of threaded conversations; be aware of effective communication 9) Internal Spending Limit: All • Christine; approval varies by amount. Between $100 and $250 board is notified; Finance Committee has to reply/acknowledge • If more than $250 then the board must reply by a reasonable deadline • Capital expenditures must be reported • RESOLVED: bring to the GM for a vote 10) GM Prep (inc. Newsletter deadline): All • Revisiting Redeemed Banked Hours • Kickstart Election Process • Committee is presenting (Renee has the calendar) • Revamping OPS • Present Allison’s contract • Internal Spending Limit • Refrigeration Update • GM on 2/18 • Have a draw for attendance (ask Events Committee work on) Next GM is on March 27th

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