New Store Hours Survey

Dear Members: On the suggestion of many of you, we are taking steps to expand our Store hours!  From our last survey to you all, Monday and Sunday were joint favorites.  Therefore, now that we are open on Monday, we will pursue opening on Sunday - and we are thrilled to be taking these next steps - in addition to installing refrigeration and with spring (and spring/summer produce) right around the corner!

Please click here [] and answer these four survey questions.  Let us know the opening time slot you’d prefer - to shop AND work.  This step is extremely important to help guide us with the best four-hour slot to start with, and to build upon thereafter.

Also, we will carefully coordinate members ready to sign up for a Sunday work shift – so that we are sure to fill their existing work shift elsewhere if applicable - and maintain well staffed shifts throughout. Finally…as with all growth, there’s an initial period of “all hands on deck.”  We encourage you all to help launch our newSunday Store hours.  In particular, we will be looking to expand our pool of shift leaders.  More on all that soon! Be sure to send questions, input or feedback our way, as always.

Best regards, Your Membership Committee.