General Meeting Notes: 3.25.15

General Meeting Wed March 25th– 7.30 - 9.30pm

The Co-op: 18 Putnam Ave, Brooklyn


Facilitator: Renee

Note-taker: Keith Almon

Timekeeper: Russ Ross

Print Agendas: whomever there first :)


Board in attendance: Renee, Sean, Keith, Hillary

Absent: Allison (in class), William (notified), DK (notified/late) Jean (no notice)

Any person attending may participate equally in discussions, and all Co-op members (who are also co owners) may vote. Members may receive work credit if they attend (allotted 3 times a year).


Welcome/Orientation 7:30-7:45PM (15 min.) Welcome and explanation of what/who/why the Co-op is. Please ask questions!


Approve Minutes (1 min.) from previous GM (please read beforehand on the Website)


Facilitator, Secretary and Timekeeper Choices and/or Approval (1 min.) Facilitator  will conduct meeting fairly and impartially, ensure that any meeting rules are followed, and will keep meeting to agenda. Secretary will take meeting minutes (which will be posted on the Website prior to next GM). Timekeeper will keep the meeting on schedule.


Presentation of Main Agenda and Pending Agenda Queue (1 min.) Main Agenda is prepared by the Board of Directors at an Agenda Making Session, based on member submissions and discussions, and published to members in advance of meeting on the Website (along with the time/date/place of the next Board Working Session which are also open to members.)


Finance and Membership Reports 7:50-8:05PM (15 min) Up to date information about the Co-op (Finance and Membership Committee); $500 Equity reinvestment repaid; Debt $60,000;  Sales; March $38,000; optimistic re reaching profitability


409 Active member

718 deactivating

271 genl leave

8 Parental leave

186 Trial members

2 new members


385 shifts

206 shifts filled

179 open


# of shoppers per week & avg basket size to be displayed in the store

Maybe # of open shifts and temporary member


Revel April 3


MAIN AGENDA  8:05-9:15PM (80 min)

  • Committee Presentation: outreach (20min)

    • Mtg qtrly with mktg and membership fr collaboration; recruiting; 2 canvassers

    • Door to door; incentives;

    • Next Open House April 11, tree give away

    • mmbrship drive, fall celebration, education; win, win, win program

  • Committee Presentation: IT(20 min) Matias

    • ITL Mattias co-chair Micha

    • civi, website, server maintenance;

    • not involved with Revel

    • recruiting; bit of learning curve;

    • rollover of hour tracking evening of Sunday

  • Convincing statistics: what numbers are the most convincing to member- owners? : Sean (15 min)

    • per Matt: tracking shift leader attenane-very vountile

  • Membership relief council (15 min);

    • discretion on investment; priority repas; 4 repaid in full; 9 approved but not yet repaid.

  • Why do we say member- owner? (m-o) proposal for alternative wording (10min)

    • voted; 12 present, all for Member/owner


OPEN FORUM 9:20 - 9:25PM (10 min)

Brief comments on topics not on the Main Agenda but relevant to the Co-op. Items that will require more time to discuss may be submitted as future agenda items

add facebook notice (Hillary) for when minutes are posted

buying standards for m-o’s to see (Bushwick has one)

buying guidelines-what is our identity?

requests not being responded to? image, costs, vendors


CLOSING 9:25 - 9:30PM (5 min)


  • Next Board Agenda Committee Mtg is Mon., April 13, 7:30-9:30pm at the Co-op. All are welcome. Please email if you plan to attend (work credit applies!)

  • Next General Meeting is Wed., April 22 - 7:30-9:30pm at The Co-op.

  • Want to be a facilitator, secretary, timekeeper or to propose items for a future GM agenda? Please email (work credit applies!)


*Note: Minute-takers Jean, DK, Keith and William - please see  link to secretary responsibilities.