BOD 2.24.16 Meeting Notes

Board of Directors ~ Feb. Mtg When: Wed., Feb. 24,  7.30 - 9.00pm Where: The Co-op: 18 Putnam Ave, Brooklyn

Facilitator:  Keith Note-taker: Jeannie Timekeeper: Christina

Directors Present: Keith A., Jeannie H., Christina L. Directors Absent: Renee B., Lauryl Others in attendance: Beverly Emmons

Consent Agenda (2 min)

  • APPROVED - Last Meeting Minutes

Finance and Membership Reports - just numbers, no discussion (5 min)






average per week

  • Feb weekly avg: $11,647.99; YTD weekly avg: $10,822.44 (up from $9.5k last month)

  • 332 active members, up from 329 in Jan (326 in August so membership increase is paltry)

  • CURRENT ANALYSIS: Current members are spending more per week (YAY!) but membership is not increasing...NEED TO DO MORE MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT to meet $15k/week goal

Discuss new Board roles (All, 15 min)

  • Board Roles

    • Keith & Renee- Secretary & Project Manager duties shared

    • Jeannie - Merch Liasion

    • Christina - MOM Liasion

    • Christina & Jeannie - Finance Liasion

Vote Officers (10 min).

  • President - Keith

  • Treasurer - Jeannie

  • Secretary - Christina

Streamlining membership store labor and additional hours proposal (Lauryl, 10 min).  

  • New shift hours / sign up sheet posted on the door of the coop

  • Part-Time Store Coordinator job has been posted in the store and will be posted on website. 2-3 people have expressed interest.

  • Interview Process

    • Meghan (HR) & Lauryl will review and conduct interviews for part-time store coordinator job

    • Select candidates will be reported to the Board by Meghan & Lauryl

    • Lauryl & Meghan will make final decision

Revamp Trial Membership (Chad, 10 min )

  • Chad input Trial Membership info into CIVI

  • Paper pass has been replaced with Key Fob

Welcoming Committee (10 min)

  • “Welcoming To All” message will be instilled through the following:

    • Orientation will have a welcoming message to all

    • Outreaching to members who have left due to feeling unwelcomed

    • Marketing to all members about a new outlook of the coop by creating a relaunch campaign for coop

    • Newsletter will have an article on “Say Yes First”

  • Christina will be implementing all points listed above for this program

Good Neighbor (Beverly Emmons)

  • Beverly came to the coop to represent the Good Neighbors.

  • Good Neighbors is a volunteer program to help senior citizens over 65

  • Proposal: Good Neighbor members to shop at the Greene Hill Food Coop

  • Plan for Good Neighbor members:

    • Good Neighbors will be transported via NYPD van program to the Greene Hill Food Coop every Wednesday at 3PM

    • Good Neighbor members will either start out with a 2 month free trial membership or Apple plan

    • Plan to implement:

      • Will start with the Willoughby Senior Center located at the Whitman Housing

      • Beverly & Keith will visit the center tomorrow (2/25) at 12:30PM to talk about the above plan

      • Sign up sheet & brochures has been given to Beverly

      • Keith will be the main contact for Beverly

Review and approve votes (notetaker, 3 min)

*Note: Minute/note-takers - please see link for secretary responsibilities

Pls don’t forget to SHARE this doc with completed notes with the Board after mtg

Bike Rack (extra topics discussed)

    • Write-in for the board - need to consult Mira for more information / will add to next board meeting agenda

    • Church Parking Lot - Keith will go to the church to see if the coop can work out a partnership for coop members to use their parking lot

  • Mail Chimp

      • DK has written an email request to upgrade to Mail Chimp

      • Mail Chimp facts

        • $65 a month

        • will allow us a lot more flexibility

        • great new format

  • Board has agreed the following:

      • Monthly expense would go under Marketing Committee’s budget

      • Currently we believe that finance has not budgeted this much for Marketing. Will need to look back at emails.

      • If Marketing feels that more money is needed for Mail Chimp then Sara Cornish will need to create a proposal to both Finance and the Board for approval.

Move to April Board mtg:  

  • Implement stronger double makeup policy or stronger enforcements when members miss their shift (All, 25 min )

    • Suggestion: If you do not follow the shift swapping procedure and do not show up for your shift, you will be considered a “No Call, No Show” and receive a double make-up, which requires you to make up 2 shifts within the next 4 weeks (before your shift cycles back).

    • Issue, how implement it, who tracks this?

      • Suggestion: Notated on crib sheet if no show/no call by SL. Whomever adds crib sheet hours to SP, checks to see if that person attempted to find a replacement on the shift swap google group. IF none were made they owe 2 make ups.

      • Question, Do we have manpower and technical infrastructure to do this? Would need IT to create some kind of “FLAGGING” situation.

      • Other suggestions?