The Co-op Q&A with Emily Nachazel


By Aly Miller


Q: When did you join the Co-op and what were some of your reasons for wanting to get involved?

A: I joined the Co-op last summer. I wanted to get more involved with the local community, and also have a source for affordable, quality food. I’ve always been a farmer’s market fan but sometimes it’s hard to get there on the weekends and it’s not always that affordable! Greene Hill is right along one of my bike commute paths. I stopped in one day and immediately signed up for a trial membership.

Q: What roles are you taking on as a member? What do you like about being a Co-op member so far?

I’ve always been a “joiner” (did ALL the extracurriculars in high school and college) so in addition to working my regular shift in the store I’ve joined the newsletter/content team. I write and develop recipes a lot for my work and this felt like such a natural team to join -- it’s been super fun to be a part of the team so far!

Q: What topics are you most excited to write about as a newsletter member?

I love writing the product spotlights and creating new recipes. For the product spotlights, I get to use some of the nerdy nutrition data I have stored in my head from years of being in thehealth and wellness field. I love shining the light on a product or item that may be overlooked or underused and giving readers the inspiration they need to try something new next time they’re in the store!

Q: What do you do outside of the Co-op?

A: I’m a health and life coach and yoga instructor. I run my own business (working with clients 1:1, organizing events and retreats, and writing my blog) and I also do some work for another health coach. Coaching, teaching and sharing are my passions and I feel fortunate to have created a career that allows me to do all these things. I love sharing how health can be digestible and FUN (because sometimes it can feel like another thing on your to-do list), and how making small changes can create real, sustainable results.

Q: How does the Co-op fit into your health and wellness goals?

Fresh, local and organic (when possible) food is not only better for your body (it has more micronutrients), it also tastes better! I don’t know about you, but I’m WAY more likely to eat thegood-for-me-foods when they’re delicious and satisfying. I love the Co-op because it makes finding quality produce, animal products and other ingredients so easy!

In addition, it’s super easy to feel lonely and lost in a big city like New York. Joining the Co-op has strengthened my connection to the local community -- I’ve already met so many awesome people in the short time I’ve been a member.

Finally, more and more I’m concerned with not only how my choices impact me, but also how they impact the environment. By shopping at the Co-op, I feel like I’m making more sustainable choices, supporting local businesses and creating less waste.

Q: If members are interested in reading your blog or following along on your health and wellness journey, how can they find you?

A: If you see me in the store (or around the neighborhood!), please say hi! I’d love to connect with you all there and online. For yummy recipes, healthy living tips and more daily inspiration, check out my blog or follow me on Instagram -- I’m very active on both! You can also sign up for my weekly-ish email list here.