Greene Hill Food Co-op

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The Co-op Q&A with Calixte Kabwa

This fall, we welcomed Calixte Kabwa to the Co-op’s board of directors. An original member of the buying club that preceded the Co-op, Calixte has a lot of experience to share as we grow into our new space. 

Q: When did you become a member of Greene Hill and what were some of your reasons for joining?

A: My wife and I joined in 2011. We were part of the buying club. Our kids were very young, and healthy nutrition was always a big concern for us. When we heard that a co-op was opening close to home, we wanted to be involved and help it thrive.

Q: What do you like most about being a member?

A: Shopping when the store is well-stocked and meeting people you’ve worked shifts with. 

Q: What roles have you played at the Co-op before becoming a board member?

A: Cashier and shift leader. 

Q: Why did you decide to run for a board position?

A: Matt Talmage asked me. Truthfully, I sometimes felt that I should do more. I understood the request as a call to step up.  

Q: What do you like to do in your spare time?

A: I have two kids -- that dictates most of the time. I like to run the occasional half-marathon. I also play the piano, but I am never satisfied with my skills. 

Q: Where do you see Greene Hill in five years? In 10 years?

A: We’ll be in our current location, but bigger and better. We will have to give it a good effort because there will be other good options to shop. But where else will we be able to control how we consume and experience community at the same time? I also wonder how technology is going to change our co-op.