Greene Hill Food Co-op

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The Co-op Q&A with Thaisa Lemos

By Kelly Knapp

This month we’re spotlighting Thaisa Lemos from the Shifts Committee, who’s been on our front line of scheduling this past month. That means making sure that we have enough member-owners covering work-shifts in the Co-op. As a member of the shifts tracking team, Thaisa’s hard work has been indispensable in keeping the store running during the last few weeks. Below she shares some insights into navigating some of the challenges the Co-op has faced during this unprecedented pandemic, some best practices, and the ways our incredible community has really come together throughout it all.

Q: What’s your primary role at the Co-op?

A: I am a shift swapping coordinator. That means I am one of the people who answer all your shift-related emails.

Q: How much has COVID-19 impacted Co-op operations?

A: Wow. The first couple of weeks were incredibly crazy, with way too many members missing shifts or canceling last minute. Then we were able to hire two assistant managers and members started getting used to the new routine—so things are better and we're having fewer emergencies.

Q: What has been your biggest challenge?

A: Last minute swap requests, last minute cancelations and no-shows. It puts such a strain on the Co-op's general manager, Willa; on other members; and on us from the shifts team, who are struggling to find members who could cover the shift and keep the store open.

Q: What are some best practices of utilizing Greene Hill Food Co-op at this time?

A: I went to the store today and here's my biggest tip (and pet -peeve): please, stop touching your face covering. And respect the distance from other members.

Q: What are some silver linings you’ve found through all this?

A: We've got so many members who are stepping in and going above and beyond to keep the store open! It has been amazing to connect with those people. 

Q: Do you have any recommendations for how to make the most of this strange time, or anything you’ve personally found helpful?

A: I do better with routine, so I had to find a new routine at home to make it work. I have work time, exercise time, play time. This helps keep me sane.

Q: What’s the best thing about the Co-op that you wish more folks were aware of?

A: I wouldn't live without Ithaca hummus. It makes such a great snack, lunch or dinner. I make sure to always have a couple of containers at home and am thrilled the Co-op carries them!