GM Notes November 20, 2012

Doug approved as facilitator & timekeeper, Kathryn as secretary.Agenda approved.

Committee reports:

Education-Megan reporting. Only 6-7 members now. Want to bring food demos to neighborhood events, for seniors, kids. Discussion continues about food justice issues. Discussing web content ideas- recipes, etc. Developing tours for school groups, not just prospective members. Cooking videos underway. Discussion about how to handle day- care concerns which are brought up regularly by members with kids.

Membership- Nick reporting. We have about 1013 active working members. Store shifts are VERY understaffed. Growth of new members is ok at about 20-25 month. Hasn’t been much shift swapping. Orienation video needs to be updated we don’t have way to track who has watched it and it’s a requirement for membership.90 % of new members join online. Banked hours are “a bit of a bees nest” trying to sort out how starting to apply them next year would work smoothly in light of shortfalls in labor now.

Finance -Jeff reporting. Still prepping the closing of the books for Sept 30, 2012 in order to complete taxes etc by 12/15/12. They should be able to file a tax extension. Going forward finance will submit a monthly report and will submit a budget. Right now there are no regular bookkeeping fees. Refrigeration purchase has not moved forward as there is no project manger in place. April and Jeannie are working to sort this out.

Design / Build- There are short term issues with expanding into the office space next door- rodents and heat availability make working there tough. They are planning some “tented” areas to contain pockets of heat.

Ops-Committee is growing . They’ve decided store will close early Christmas Eve at 6 pm instead of 8. Monday store sales have been ok but staffing issues are problematic.

Store Coordinator Status update- Committee expects to decide and have someone in place for January 1st.

Governance- Al reporting. Amanda is compiling permitting issue documents she had previously researched and compiled . Privacy policy still being discussed and resolved. They are putting together an “election process” menu since the election this fall went very smoothly.

IT- no report

Point of Sale issues- new softwear would be about $6,000. We had elected to have a custom program but it has a lot of glitches. Saturday check out lines are very long and people have express their frustration.

Merch- no report.

Outreach- Have no November meeting, several committee chair resignation and changes.

Website- not yet updated by the transition to the new site We need an update from IT and Website committee.

Board quorum present. There were no votes tonight. Meeting adjourned at 8:30. Meeting was very lightly attended, less than halfthe usual number in attendance.

There is no December GM. Steering is Dec 4. Next GM is January 24, then February 21. Both dates are at the 138 So Oxford Art Space location.

Submitted by Kathryn Zarczynski 12/3/12.