Outreach/Food Justice Meeting, 12/13/12

NYCHA liaison process started. 2 co-op members have volunteered.
TA meetings have begun. Kassy to attend in January at Whitman, Ingersoll.
How to plant the seed? Open shopping days?
2) Brooklyn Food Coalition (BFC)
Wants a partnered event in January.
Is this Events Committee terriroty?
3) Ft. Greene/Clinton Hill Community Food Journal
New publication, part of MARP Community Food Council. Incorporates recipes and personal stories.
Goal is 3-4 publications per year.
Want to come talk to us re: getting writers and using members as resources.
For recipes, more Education's territory?
Also to sell or give away in the store.
FJ (and Jess as Ed. liaison):
1) Daycare:
Is it worth it? Will its absence cost us members?
2) Food demos at the senior center (across street?)
Education researching possibilities and limitations involved.
3) School visits
What would this entail?
What are limitations with food prep certification?
Possibilities that remain without food prep?
4) Tours
Script needs revision
Who is the audience?
Jess to write different discussion points, aimed towards a general audience for efficiency's sake
Aim to have tours up and running by spring.
Social Media
1) Food justice conference with BFC
Relation of co-op to neighborhood; empowering/supporting a neighborhood community effort versus large chains
Encouraging minority leadership
1) Just Food
Well established NFP dedicated to food justice
Active with cooking demos
Conference in March - should have tabling presence
Should we have a Just Food liaison? Meetings are not open to public.
Might be good idea to have them present at a Committee or General Meeting.
They offer training for cooking demos (though it's very pricey).
2) Spicing up GMs (read Events Committee notes for more details)
Food demos
Vendor demos
Food Justice presentations??
3) Food Justice liaisons
We now realize the importance of having the internal co-op goals in line with our external goals for us to be truly effective.
The issue of food justice should be better understood and addressed in various committees (esp. Merch, Branding, Mural)
Trello will hopefully allow us to see and better understand various committees' projects.
Can have reps from other committees (esp. those 3 listed) at our next meeting?
4) For better food justice awareness in Branding and Mural:
Tapping into local schools
Work with mural offering opportunities to the neighborhood beyond just buying groceries
1) Blog post
About creating minority leadership
About our Food Justice decisions
Inviting others to come discuss with us (can this include non-members?)
Perhaps in advance of a GM - encourage people to comment, both online and come discuss at a GM
2) What does a welcoming environment look like?
Issues: lighting, sterile while walls,
Quotes on walls and on the website can appear more welcoming.
Example of welcoming grocery space: Choice Greene
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